December 2014

What To Do For Your Cat

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Whenever your cat exhibits a prolonged change in appetite, your first step is to rule out illness, parasites or other medical conditions. Dental problems, such as pain from tooth or gum disease, can make a dog avoid eating.

What To Do For Your Cat
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The Sweet Lure Of Chocolate

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Chocolate. There are few foods that people feel as passionate about — a passion that goes beyond a love for the “sweetness” of most candies or desserts: after all, few people crave caramel, whipped cream, or bubble gum. For the true chocoholic, just thinking about chocolate can evoke a pleasurable response.

The Sweet Lure Of Chocolate
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Feed Your Skin

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Indulging in savory fruits and vegetables and warm, spicy baked goods is one of the season’s great pleasures. But did you know that this cornucopia also can benefit your beauty routine? In fact, the very ingredients that are hallmarks of your holiday meals are extremely effective skin remedies.

Feed Your Skin
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